Karin Tag, Germany
Biography of Karin TagAuthor, Lecturer and Singer Lecturer, Aromatherapist and Mental Trainer (Personal Coach) Founder and President of the Council of World Elders Minister for Peace and Global Affaires of the GEP Royal Attaché of the Kingdom of Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana Bearer of the Order of Merit of the Kingdom of Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana
Karin Tag was born on February 17, 1969, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. After finishing high school, she completed her vocational training as a geological preparateur at the internationally renowned Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main. Her tasks at the museum ranged from preparation of fossils to the supervision of archaeological sites in Germany.
After the early death of her mother, Karin Tag set out in search of the truth and studied many religions and cultures. This was followed by an intensive study of the biblical scriptures, the reconstruction of Solomon’s temple, the writings of Pythagoras and the research of Aristotle. In 2012, she received the personal blessing of Pope Benedict XVI.
She was also very interested in Celtic, especially the Avalonian tradition, which she revived by founding the Avalonian School, where students learn the ancient rituals and traditions of the annual cycle.
Through her many travels she came into intensive contact with Hinduism, but also with shamanism, and experienced some important initiations from Inca shamans in Peru as well as shamans of Nepalese and European traditions. Through her close collaboration with the Mayan elder Hunbatz Men, she was initiated into the Mayan traditions. This was followed by teachings of Sufism and the Koran. In 2015, she undertook a pilgrimage to Mecca. For several years now, Karin Tag has been intensively studying the teachings of Buddha and networking with monks from various Buddhist schools around the world.
In 2009, she founded a private museum for ethnological cultural art and has received valuable exhibits from various ethnological groups for this purpose, including what is known as the „crystal library.“
On a second educational and training path, Karin Tag launched a career as a soprano (opera singer). Her first success on the stage was in an oratorio performance at just 12 years of age. At age 33 she ended her career as a soprano when her two children were born. As a freelance artist, she now writes innovative music, influenced by musical styles from various international cultures. She has produced several CDs and gave numerous private concerts successfully, also in Christian churches. With her voice and a crystal singing bowl she gives healing sessions and concerts, so-called VoiceHealings.
Karin Tag began her spiritual career by training as a Reiki Master Teacher. She gave meditation courses and healing sessions. This was followed by a lifelong study of medicinal herbalism. Since 1995 she has been a full trance medium, connected with the Seraphim Angels. Training as a certified aromatherapist and certified mental coach round off her range of activities. In addition to her work as a medium, Karin Tag now supports many people as a coach and personal trainer with a specially developed mental training program. With her Crystal Clear Mental Training, Karin Tag offers mental coaching for the areas of career and success, sport and exercise, stress management, mental training for artists and children and topics such as joie de vivre, motivation, love and happiness.
Karin Tag published her first book in 1994 followed by nine additional books. They revolve around topics such as spirituality, personal counseling, alternative healing methods, and fringe sciences. She has also published children books and poetry. Some books have been translated into other languages (5 different languages) and published in the respective countries.
In 2009, Karin Tag founded the Council of World Elders. It unites representatives of indigenous peoples to pass on their traditional knowledge and to promote world peace to the benefit of our planet. It is a non-profit organisation devoted exclusively to world peace, preservation of cultures and environmental protection.
The Council of World Elders now encompasses 12 members from 11 nations, two additional honorary members and 14 global advisors from seven countries, including His Majesty King Bansah, the King of Ghana and His Excellency Joaquim Chissano, the former President of Mozambique. To honor Joaquim Chissano’s achievements for peace and acceptance of social justice in Africa he was awarded by the Council of World Elders with the Peace-Feather Award. Parts of the award is a donation to encourage further endeavours for peace, a document of excellency, as well as a precious feather of cut crystal with a golden engraved ribbon.
On an ethnological-political level, Karin Tag has received numerous awards for her international engagement. She has received honors for furthering understanding, and for unifying cultural diversities. His Majesty King Bansah, King of Traditional Ghana, honoured her for her humanitarian work in Africa and awarded her the Order of Merit. Together with celebrities such as internationally renowned singer Nina Hagen and star designer Harald Glöökler, Karin Tag leads campaigns to protect indigenous tribes in the Amazon Rainforest.
With the Head Office of the Council of World Elders, Karin Tag organizes congresses and conferences dedicated to the development of new solutions for world peace as well as ethnic and environmental education for all ethnic groups. As a consultant for international cultural projects, she is committed to the preservation of cultural goods and values and supports the establishment of schools and educational centers.
In 2010, she supported the Mongolian shaman and author Galsan Tschinag in planting 1 million trees in Mongolia. Since 2012 for example she supports the construction of a Buddhist stupa being built under the leadership of Lama Tshewang Dorje in the South of the Kingdom of Bhutan. This was followed by further humanitarian aid projects for earthquake victims in Nepal and Turkey as well as the construction of a bridge in Ghana. Her engagement is always religiously neutral. For two decades now she has been supporting worldwide peace-building projects regardless of religious backgrounds.
Karin Tag is Royal Attaché of the Kingdom of Hohoe Ghana