Willkommen beim Council of World Elders | Healing the Earth for World Peace
Relief Action
Aid for Nepal
Save the Guarani People
Help the Australian Aboriginals
Non-contacted tribes in Peru
Human rights of indigenous peoples
The Building of a Bridge in Ghana
Karin Tag, Germany
Dr. Masaru Emoto, Japan
Galsan Tschinag, Mongolia
Sepp Holzer, Austria
Bob Randall, Australia
Hunbatz Men, Mexico
Mohan Rai, Nepal
Maile Ngema Lama, Nepal
Swami Isa, India
Lama Tshewang Dorje, Bhutan
Don Pedro Guerra Gonzales, Peru
Reza Maschajechi, Iran
3rd Congress 2013 – Speech
3rd Congress 2013 – Programme
2nd Congress 2012 Report
2nd Congress 2012 Photos
1st Congress 2011 Report
Global Advisor
2nd Congress 2012 Photos