After an earthquake of horrendous magnitude
in Nepal at the end of April 2015, followed by
strong aftershocks, living conditions have
become unbearable for the population of Nepal.
Most houses have been destroyed, the ones left
over badly damaged, threatened to collapse.
It is still common to call the native tribes of Australia ‘Aborigines’.
Nowadays it is considered less appropriate and the word ‘Aboriginals’ is used.
Up and until the colonisation,…
The German government rejected the ratification
of a convention submitted by the Deutsche Bundestag
( German Parliament). The political parties consider
the Convention No. 169 of the ‘International Labour
Organization (ILO), an agency of the UN, disadvantagious
to the interests of German companies in third-world countries.
For the Guarani-Kaiowá the land is the source of all life.
Ranchers have taken nearly all of the territory of the Guarani
by force and devastated their land. Their children are dying and…
Only 100 kms from Machu Picchu native tribes hitherto
not contacted by any civilization are endangered.
A consortium of various enterprises, among them Hunt
Oil/USA, Repsol/Spain and the giant oil company
Pluspetrol/Argentina, is planning…
In her humanitarian efforts for children in Africa,
Karin Tag supported the building of a bridge in Africa.
In collaboration with His Majesty Chepás Bansah,
King of Hohoe Gbi Traditional Ghana,
a bridge is being built …